Refusing requests to work remotely in a hybrid workplace

Increasing office attendance remains high on the agenda for many employers, but upcoming changes to the UK flexible working regime could prompt more requests to work from home. A recent Employment Tribunal judgment provides employers with some comfort that, if handled correctly, they can refuse requests to work entirely remotely, especially from employees in managerial positions where a degree of in-person time may be needed….

Keine Arbeitsleistung im Home-Office – kann Arbeitgeber Gehalt zurückfordern?

Das Thema Home-Office mit all seinen Vor- und Nachteilen ist hinlänglich bekannt. Ob Arbeitnehmer nun effektiver zu Werke gehen, sich vor der Arbeit drücken oder die Teamkultur leidet – letztlich dürften die Auswirkungen höchst individuell sein. Sowohl verschiedene Arbeitgeber aus der gleichen Branche als auch Arbeitnehmer aus dem selben Betrieb beurteilen dies je nach persönlicher Situation mitunter völlig konträr. Frei nach dem Motto „hierzu ist…

Bringing employees back to the office

Remote work has proliferated since the pandemic, but now some companies are trying to bring their employees back to the office. What steps might employers need to take? Here we present insights from 17 jurisdictions. Background In recent years companies have implemented remote work schemes, both as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic and as a measure to offer a better work-life balance to employees…

The right to disconnect around the world

Ius Laboris‘ interactive map shows the countries that have passed specific laws to guarantee employees the right to disconnect from work outside of work hours. For those with ‘teleworkable’ jobs, remote work increased significantly during the pandemic. While the number of employees working remotely decreased again as restrictions were lifted, the numbers have not returned to pre-pandemic levels. As part of its analysis of findings…

Remote Work in der Krise – Welche Fehler Unternehmen beim Personalabbau vermeiden sollten

Energiekrise, hohe Inflation, steigende Zinsen und anhaltende Störungen in Lieferketten: Die wirtschaftlichen Aussichten verdüstern sich für viele Unternehmen. Auch Kapitalgeber sind in diesem Umfeld zurückhaltend – und zwingen so manches Start-up zur Konsolidierung. So erlebt die Kostensenkung durch Personalabbau eine Renaissance. Nach mehr als zweieinhalb Jahren pandemiebedingter Transformation sind hiervon zunehmend Remote Worker betroffen, also Arbeitnehmer, die mehr oder weniger vollständig mobil bzw. im Homeoffice…

Do employees have a right to work remotely?

A court in Israel has ruled that a company was entitled to turn down an employee’s request to work remotely. In a ruling recently issued by the Tel Aviv District Labour Court in the case of the Middle East Pipeline Company, the district court discussed a claim lodged by an employee, who worked as a payroll accountant, that her employer discriminated against her in comparison…

Hybrid, remote and flexible working: what’s new?

The fundamental shift in working patterns and preferences created by COVID-19 has led to law and policy changes across the world. Across the world, the closure of offices during the pandemic accelerated the expansion and popularity of remote working, making this arrangement an overnight reality for millions. As it becomes clear that working patterns and preferences have changed for good, many jurisdictions have or are…

A new right to request remote working in Ireland

The Irish government has published proposed details of its long-awaited scheme giving employees the right to request remote working. Irish employers and employees have finally been given some detail on how the long-awaited right to request remote working is expected to operate. The legislation, once enacted, will introduce for the first time a legal framework in Ireland around requesting remote working arrangements. The Department of…

Mobile Working als Geschäftsidee: Risiken der Nutzung von „Employers of Record“

Homeoffice war gestern: Mit den digitalen Möglichkeiten und angesichts der andauernden Corona-Pandemie steigt auch die Beliebtheit von mobiler Arbeit, die remote aus dem Ausland durchgeführt wird. Diese birgt jedoch unter anderem nicht zu unterschätzende aufenthalts-, sozialversicherungs- und steuerrechtliche Risiken für Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer sowie damit verbunden zusätzlich administrativen Aufwand (siehe hierzu unseren Blog). Sog. „Employers of Record“ (EOR) werben nun mit einem globalen Konzept, welches…