Crossborder dispute rules

The EU ‘Brussels I-bis’ regulation designates which country’s court has jurisdiction in international situations. It contains specific procedural rules for employment disputes. These are fixed procedural rules, from which employer and employee may deviate only by mutual agreement. An employer may not deliberately circumvent the procedural rules to the detriment of the employee; if it does so, the consequences can be severe. This is demonstrated by a recent ruling by the…

Update CSDDD: Die europäische Lieferkettenrichtlinie kommt

Die EU-Mitgliedstaaten haben am 15.03.2024 der Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) zugestimmt, die Unternehmen verpflichtet, ihre Lieferketten auf nachhaltige Umwelt- und Arbeitspraktiken zu überprüfen. Nachdem die Abstimmung zuletzt mehrfach verschoben wurde, kam doch noch eine Einigung auf den Kompromissvorschlag der belgischen Ratspräsidentschaft zustande, welcher einen reduzierten Anwendungsbereich und eine gestaffelte Umsetzung vorsieht. Um die Richtlinie in nationales Recht umzusetzen, wird Deutschland vermutlich Anpassungen beim…

EU-Verordnung für entwaldungsfreie Produkte bringt „versteckte“ arbeitsrechtliche Sorgfaltspflichten

Am 30. Juni 2023 trat die EU-Verordnung zu entwaldungsfreien Lieferketten, die EU Deforestation Regulation (im Folgenden „EUDR“) in Kraft. Anders als der Name vielleicht vermuten lässt, ergeben sich aus dieser Regelung nicht nur umweltbezogene, sondern auch arbeitsrechtliche Sorgfaltspflichten in der Lieferkette. Insbesondere dann, wenn Sie in den Branchen Herstellung und Handel mit (bestimmten) Lebensmitteln oder Holz- und Papierprodukten, als Automobilzulieferer oder Hersteller technischer Bauteile aktiv…

EU takes important step on supply chain due diligence

The European Commission and European Parliament recently reached agreement on the details of a new Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. The Directive will require large organisations to implement due diligence processes with regard to human rights and environmental impact in their supply chains. A number of European countries have legislation in place or under consideration requiring companies to perform supply chain due diligence. These rules…

Occupational asbestos exposure: new rules from the EU

Asbestos is an extremely dangerous carcinogenic substance, which unfortunately is still present in some economic sectors. For this reason, the European Union has once again intervened with a Directive in November 2023, which integrates and amends a previous Directive issued in 2009. The new Directive aims to ensure better protection for people who, during their work, are or may be exposed to dust from asbestos or materials containing this mineral….

It’s finally here: adequacy decision on EU-US data transfers

Data transfers from the EU to the US will now be easier for many companies, following a long-awaited decision from the European Commission. More than a year after the first announcement of the Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework, the European Commission adopted its adequacy decision on the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF) on 10 July 2023, which entered into force with immediate effect. Transfers to US companies signed up…

Entgelttransparenz: Neues aus Brüssel

Entgeltgleichheit und Entgelttransparenz rücken als wesentlicher Bestandteil nachhaltiger Beschäftigungsbedingungen zunehmend in den Fokus von HR und Arbeitsrecht. Zur Umsetzung der jüngst verabschiedeten EU-Entgelttransparenzrichtlinie wird der deutsche Gesetzgeber das Entgelttransparenzgesetz überarbeiten müssen. Was dies für Unternehmen bedeutet, erklärt Christoph Seidler im Video.

New year, new mechanism for US-EU data transfers?

Last October, President Joe Biden’s administration published an executive order regarding a new EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework – the replacement of the so-called Privacy Shield mechanism that previously allowed transfers of personal data from the EU to the United States. The executive order immediately sparked the European Commission’s process to assess the new U.S. regime and prepare a respective adequacy decision, which would bring considerable…

The EU approves a minimum wage Directive: what does it say?

On 14 September, the European Parliament approved a Directive introducing the principle of a minimum wage in the European Union. What does it say, and will it herald a new era for collective bargaining? Summary On 14 September 2022, the European Parliament voted to approve a Directive on adequate minimum wages in the EU, with 505 votes in favour, 92 against and 44 abstentions. The…

Frontier workers and telework in the EU: new challenges ahead

How does telework affect what employers in the EU need to take into account when they employ frontier workers?  The COVID-19 crisis provided the world of work with a lot of new challenges. As the post-COVID era is hopefully near, employers will need to anticipate new challenges ahead. One challenge that employers will probably be confronted with is the impact of more telework on the…