The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (the ‘new Act’) is a welcome legislative development. The new Act came into force on 19 April 2017. Further, the Rules were notified on June 15, 2017 (i.e. the date from which they came into force). The new Act replaces the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunity Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (the ‘previous…
Bei der Deutschen Post sind kürzlich aufgrund “menschlichen Versagens” die Daten aus 200.000 Umzugsmitteilungen vorübergehend ungeschützt in das Internet geraten. Ein solches ungewolltes Bekanntwerden von persönlichen Daten gegenüber Unbefugten bezeichnet man als Datenpanne. Weniger spektakuläre aber umso häufigere Fälle von Datenpannen bestehen darin, dass eine E-Mail versehentlich an den falschen Empfänger gesendet wird oder Laptops bzw. USB-Sticks verloren gehen. Die Zahl der Datenpannen (data breach)…
The GDPR applies to the entities having establishments within the EU, as well as to those that do not have a physical presence in the EU where their processing activities, either as a data controller or processor, are related to the ofering of goods or services to data subjects in the EU, or to the monitoring of data subjects’ behaviour taking place within the EU….
While automation in the workplace has been used for decades to improve speed, efficiency and cost effectiveness, until recently, automating work requiring judgment and perception was reserved for science fiction films. In the last five years, however, the wide availability of powerful computer chips, big data storage and processing, and inexpensive sensors, as well as the development of new algorithms, have led to improvements in…
Die EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung – noch ein Jahr bis zur Anwendbarkeit – bi-lingual posting / zweisprachiger Beitrag – The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will become applicable throughout the European Union on 25 May 2018, with additional national legislation. By then, companies need to be compliant. The German Bundesrat has recently passed the new Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, which will adapt the European Regulation into national German law. This…
Nicht erst seit letztem Dienstag spielen Kleidungsvorschriften in Unternehmen eine Rolle: Der EuGH hatte am Dienstag in Luxemburg in den Rechtssachen C-157/15 und C-188/15 entschieden, dass das Unternehmen Vorgaben zu Kleidungsvorschriften machen kann, auch wenn davon – wie im Falle des Kopftuchverbots – vorwiegend Musliminnen betroffen sind, und es sich damit um eine mittelbare Diskriminierung handelt (hierzu schon unser Bericht über das Plädoyer der Generalanwältin;…
The ‘Employment’ Act of 8 August 2016 has initiated the rewriting of the labour code: collective agreements must become central and the law must become more subsidiary. In concrete terms, the labour code will set out for each of its ‘themes’: public order rules (which can not be changed or negociated); measures that can be negotiated; the measures that apply in the absence of an…
The UK finds itself in a state of unprecedented turmoil following the vote in favour of leaving the EU in the recent referendum. The Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative party, David Cameron, has resigned. The leader of the opposition Labour party has suffered an overwhelming no confidence vote from his own party’s MPs, largely on account of his half-hearted support for remaining in the…
Technology is changing how, when and where we work. With these changes come shifting attitudes in how workers view their relationship with employers. The “on-demand” economy purports to bridge this gap, giving workers flexibility to choose when to work and connecting employers with available skilled labor when they need it most. The on-demand model would appear to provide both workers and employers what they want….
Having the best football player in the world is always a good reason to watch the matches of the Portuguese national team in Euro 2016. But is this reason strong enough to put aside the employer’s internal rules and the relevant legal provisions on working conditions? Holiday and working hours No special rules exist in this regard, being both employers and employees bound by the…