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Taskforce and hotline for employers in corona crisis

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During Corona-crisis companies are facing numerous economic and labour law challenges. Some of these require very rapid action. As a reliable partner for employers, KLIEMT.HR lawyers offers modern and uncomplicated ways of support* in this crisis situation, which is exceptional for companies. This includes, in addition to the constantly updated articles on the Corona crisis in our blog, in particular the following:

Guide Epidemic – Pandemic – Coronavirus

You need a detailed guide for your HR department or your employees with rules of conduct and legal classifications of the most important topics?

With our comprehensive and continuously updated document, we provide you with a guide and samples to answer typical questions related to the coronavirus and the pandemic in general, as well as practical and legal information.

If you would like to receive the guide, please contact our Corona-Taskforce by e-mail (, by phone (see below for the hotline) or your usual contact persons.

Corona taskforce hotline

Do you have urgent questions about how German labour law deals with the Corona crisis? We have set up our Corona-Hotline for this purpose. It is staffed by our top experts in labour and employment law, who will help you quickly and with tried and tested solutions.

You can reach our Corona Task Force Hotline at the following telephone number:


or by e-mail:

Short-time work during the Corona crisis

Your orders break off, customers stay away and you want to introduce short-time work? We will be happy to advise you on the introduction of short-time work.

  • What are the requirements?
  • How should a works agreement or individual agreement be structured?
  • Do you need the cooperation of your employees?
  • Where is short-time work applied for?

We are taking into account the legislative measures of March 13, 2020, according to which employers will be able to use short-time work benefits from the Federal Employment Agency under eased conditions from April 2020. An application for short-time work compensation can be made if 10 percent of the employees are affected by the loss of work. In addition, employers will be reimbursed all or part of their social security contributions.

Further information on the introduction of short-time work and the necessary documents can be obtained from our Corona taskforce by e-mail or via the hotline (see above).

*We are only allowed to provide our services within the framework of a client relationship. Our Corona taskforce will be happy to provide you with information on this as well, either by e-mail or via the hotline (+4921188288117).


Wir sind Deutsch­lands führende Spe­zi­al­kanz­lei für Arbeits­recht (bereits vier Mal vom JUVE-Handbuch als „Kanzlei des Jahres für Arbeitsrecht“ ausgezeichnet). Rund 90 erst­klas­sige Arbeits­rechts­exper­ten beraten Sie bundesweit von unseren Büros in Düs­sel­dorf, Berlin, Frankfurt, München und Hamburg aus. Kompetent, persönlich und mit Blick für das Wesent­li­che. Schnell und effektiv sind wir auch bei komplexen und grenz­über­schrei­ten­den Projekten: Als einziges deutsches Mitglied von Ius Laboris, der weltweiten Allianz der führenden Arbeitsrechtskanzleien bieten wir eine erstklassige globale Rechtsberatung in allen HR-relevanten Bereichen.
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