Wir freuen uns, dass im aktuellen Chambers Global Guide 2017 unsere Kanzleiallianz Ius Laboris in der Kategorie „Network“ nach 2015 zum zweiten Mal die Höchstwertung „Elite“ erreicht hat. Die Anerkennung bestätigt unsere Anstrengungen, unseren Mandanten auch auf internationaler Ebene maßgeschneiderten, effektiven und pragmatischen Rechtsrat zu bieten.
Der Chambers Global Guide erscheint jährlich im März und vergleicht führende Kanzleinetzwerke auf der ganzen Welt, nach Region und Praxisbereich. Mit 40 von 43 bei Chambers Global gerankten Mitgliedsfirmen gehört die Ius Laboris erneut offiziell zur „Elite“. Dabei besticht die Allianz mit Ihrer grenzüberschreitenden Beratung im Arbeitsrecht durch mehr als 2.500 Rechtsanwälte in 44 Mitgliedskanzleien und rund 60 assoziierten Kanzleien in fast 100 Ländern.
Wörtlich heißt es bei Chambers:
Ius Laboris offers representation in numerous jurisdictions worldwide. The network’s member firms are all employment, labour and pension law specialists, selected through a rigorous quality assurance programme. With a focus on increasing co-operation between member firms, the network organises an annual congress, collaborative publication of the Global HR Law Guide, various client events, and educational workshops through the Ius Laboris University. Referrals are tracked and members also collaborate on multi-jurisdictional projects. (…)
Wir gratulieren unseren Partnern der Ius Laboris-Allianz herzlich zu dieser Auszeichnung.
Neben der Ehrung als Teil von Ius Laboris ist Kliemt & Vollstädt auch auf nationaler Ebene wieder unter den „Top Five“. Chambers hebt hierbei insbesondere hervor:
What the team is known for Specialist employment boutique with an impressive reputation. Handles the full range of employment matters, including restructuring, outsourcing and privatisation. Additionally attracts recognition for its skills in collective employment issues, where the team advises on collective bargaining agreements and co-determination law.
Strengths Numerous sources agree that Kliemt & Vollstädt is a leading specialized employment law firm in Germany. One describes the firm as „the most successful employment boutique,“ while another labels it „a real success story.“
A satisfied client also says that the team „reacts very quickly, offers very practical solutions and suggestions, and is very clear in its legal statements.“
Besondere Hervorhebung erfahren hierbei unsere Partner Professor Dr. Michael Kliemt, Dr. Oliver Vollstädt (beide Düsseldorf) und Dr. Barbara Reinhard (Frankfurt). Chambers hierzu:
The „outstanding“ Michael Kliemt maintains an excellent standing among peers in employment law. One source praises his visibility in the market, stating: „He runs a law firm with a national reputation and everyone knows him.“ Kliemt is noted for his expertise in collective labour law, while his practice also encompasses major reorganizations and post-merger integration.
Oliver Vollstädt handles a wide range of employment issues. He has considerable experience representing senior executives in termination cases and negotiations for contracts and redundancy packages. Clients value that he is „very clear, smart and really knows what he’s doing.“
Barbara Reinhard is well known for her experience as a labour court judge and advises on works constitutional law and collective labour law. Peers repeatedly mention the quality of her client base, saying that „she has good clients who really appreciate her.“